Thursday, November 1, 2012

Trade Blanket - The Red Lady

The day had come to an end, horses were brushed and fed. I just had time to clean my painting palette and head for the house to make dinner. There was a pile of red paint on the palette that just could not be left to dry. I told myself I would just start a painting by adding a thin layer of background color. Right! One more color of paint went on and then another until "Trade Blanket - The Red Lady" appeared. This painting was totally spontaneous and came from the energy from the colorful palette. I love those moments in the studio when total freedom of the moment leads me on to make, "A Painting Day". Dinner ended up being omelets and toast!

"Trade Blanket - The Red Lady" 6x12x1.5 inches, oil on canvas by Ruth Andre

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martinealison said...

Une très jolie publication... J'aime la manière que vous parlez du plaisir que vous ressentez à peindre... C'est si important de peindre avec son ressenti... En l'occurrence dans cette dernière peinture toute votre énergie s'étale sur la toile. Bravo ! Elle est puissante...
Je vous fais de gros bisous

shirley fachilla said...

Very nice! Those spontaneous paintings that just flow are so wonderful in the making. I know you enjoyed every moment. said...

Stunning - I love it!