Friday, November 30, 2012

Casey's Barn - Ruth Andre

Inspiration can come from many sources and when painting "Casey's Barn" it came from a blog post by, The Colorist, Casey Klahn - Casey's Barn. I fell in love with this old barn and could see the renovation needed to make it a spectacular studio. 

Though it is a barn it has a very spiritual appeal and I can feel how entering this space could quiet the outer world and be a place of work and meditation. Enjoying Casey's world has made for, 
"A Painting Day"

"Casey's Barn" 6x6 inches, oil on canvas by Ruth Andre


Casey Klahn said...

I feel the sunlight coming into that painting through the wall boards! Very warm and cheerful.

Thanks, Ruth. I'm sharing this on Facebook.

SamArtDog said...

I'm very impressed by your interpretation of Casey's barn. Wonderfully strong!