Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Prairie Crossing - Ruth Andre

"Prairie Crossing I & II"
oil & mixed media on panel
by Ruth Andre

"Prairie Crossing I"
6"x6"x1.5" oil & mixed media on panel 
by Ruth Andre

"Prairie Crossing II"
6"x6"x1.5" oil & mixed media on panel
by Ruth Andre

I have never tired of travel trips across the country. The landscape slides by with the constant change of open land and small towns. It is like peaking into another way of life even if it is just for a moment in time. It has been, "A Painting Day".


martinealison said...

Bonjour chère amie,

Une aventure artistique qui croise les embrouilles littéraires...
Du suspens...

✾ Gros bisous ✾

Ruth Andre said...

Martine: An artistic adventure which intersects the confused literary ... The abeyance ... ✾ Kisses ✾

Ruth - Martine, Thank-you for your lovely comment. You are on the right track.