Saturday, March 19, 2011

Wild Mustang Stallion

This has been a busy Saturday in the studio.  I took on finishing a small Roan horse portrait and finished this one of a Wild Mustang Stallion.  I am not sure what the name will be for this painting.  Names usually come to me as I paint a portrait but this one has a lot of life and wildness and it definitely needs something special.  Thinking of the Mustang and their life of freedom on the plains made for, "A Painting Day".
Commission A Painting
Sale Day Paintings


Kim Vanlandingham said...

Wonderful painting! We have some mustangs!

Ruth Andre said...

Hi Kimberly, I would like to put a small self promotional book together using my Mustang paintings. If you would like to share a photo of your Mustangs and if I use it for a painting, I will happily send you a Thank-You Book. Thank-you so much for your comment.

Kristin said...

I love this painting! The mustang's eyes are very compelling! (hope this doesn't post twice, I'm having computer troubles tonight)

Caroline Simmill said...

Beautiful work Ruth, full of expression.

Samantha Dorato Art said...

Your mustang painting is so beautyful and so are all your horses paintings. I really do like your work and your paintingbrush. Following your blog with lot of interest.

Carol Blackburn said...

He sure looks "steadfast" to me. Beautiful painting.

martinealison said...

Quel beau mustang... Vous avez immortalisé d'une façon incroyable son portrait...
Gros bisous

gtyyup said...

Wild, yet gentle eyes...really nice!

hmuxo said...

Beautiful painting..! I love how you painted his eyes..great job!

Kathy Cousart said...

Beautiful! This one has such a confident look in the eye!

mary maxam said...

Personality Plus, as per usual Ruth. This is a sweetheart and the straight on look is very appealing.

Meowlissa said...

What a beauty :)

Theresa Paden said...

Another beauty! I love the colors and looseness in this one.