Monday, April 2, 2012

Photo-Less Monday - Ruth Andre

I have seen blog posts where the title is, "Wordless Friday or Wordless Wednesday". Well this post is "Photo-Less Monday". I took off for the Cattlemen's Western art show without my camera. I know not a good thing to do. So the show news is rather limited except for the fact I met a lot of great people and got to see a lot of great art. I also sold a few paintings so you know that is a happy event in itself. Artists love to get feed back about their art and when someone just cannot live without a painting that you just happen to have for sale, your day is complete. The trip to Paso Robles was also a bit of a vacation. Walking downtown and having dinner at the very nice Robert's  restaurant made for a lovely evening. A stop at the the Chocolate Factory after dinner made it even better. It was good to get away and it made me love having many, "A Painting Day".


martinealison said...

Je vous félicite pour l'ensemble de vos ventes et de cette belle journée que vous avez eu... Je vous fais de gros bisous.

Theresa Paden said...

So glad you had a great time at the show and sold some paintings, too.

hmuxo said...

Congratulations on selling some of your paintings, Ruth!! Always a good feeling.

Kim Vanlandingham said...

Well, I have to say I miss seeing a photo of your lovely work, but I'm so glad to hear about your sales. The chocolate factory sounds like my kind of place too!