Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Moonlight Reflections - Ruth Andre

Water has become my obsession of late. As I walk down to the creek, or ride into town with my husband, my eyes are fascinated with the rushing waters as we pass. The road to our property is quite narrow with cliffs going straight down to the water's edge. The cliffs can be dark at dusk with just a clint of light hitting the water making for a spectacular view. My daily vista has made for,
"A Painting Day".

"MIdnight Reflections" 8x8x1.5 inches, oil on panel by Ruth  Andre


Theresa Paden said...

Beautiful, atmospheric, and moody . . . I love it!

Caroline Simmill said...

Beautiful, lovely work Ruth.

shirley fachilla said...

Wonderful moonlight. I knew it was moonlight before I noticed the title.