Thursday, August 15, 2013

Wish You Were Here - Red Light - Green Light - Ruth Andre

"Wish You Were Here - Red Light - Green Light"
6.25"x4.50" oil & mixed media on paper
by Ruth Andre

For the first time in several years I have had to step away from the studio to get some business attended to and it hard going I must say. I miss going to the studio and I miss painting. Today I ducked out and took the afternoon to paint this little Post Card painting on paper. Summer brings many memories and sending post cards while vacationing is one of them. Playing Red Light - Green Light with my cousins as a kid is another. I hope you are having a fabulous summer. It has been, "A Painting Day".


Diana Moses Botkin said...

I so agree with you that it's tough to switch gears and get that "other stuff" done, whatever it is!

I love your fun little reminder of happy days in this miniature.

Marie Theron said...

You work from somewhere inside you, Ruth. Do you sometimes miss doing the cattle and horses that you did so well?

shirley fachilla said...

I especially love your "postcard" paintings. So nice that you could combine color complements and a childhood memory.

Ruth Andre said...

I so appreciate the comments. Diana, thank-you for stopping by. I loved your challenge painting this month and the other artists works as well. Marie, I am finding my abstract works to be very freeing. I love animals and do miss painting them but for right now I find working with color and design to be quite satisfying. Shirley, you are so right the memories seem to flow while painting these fun postcard studies. Thank-you all for the supportive words.

Bruce B. Hancock said...

For us it was "Kick the Can". How would you paint that, Ruth???
So good to see you back in the studio. I too really enjoy your postcards.