Tuesday, August 25, 2015

A Painting Day - Whispering Fog - Ruth Andre

"Whispering Fog"
4.5"x4.5" Oil and Cold Wax on Paper
Available With 12"x12" Mat
Challenge Painting Seventy-One
by Ruth Andre
As the day turns to dusk and the fog rolls into the valley it brings a feeling of quiet. There is a solitude and a wanting to find quiet from the hustle of the day. The fog is like nature is surrounding us and allowing us to slow down from the work of the day. I love going into my kitchen at night and fixing a dinner that will give warmth and nurture the soul. It has been, "A Painting Day".


Linda Coppens said...

Love the 'fog' series!
I like greys a lot but I don't often use them intentionally.
Nice how you describe your state of mind with each work. That is not so easy as it seems -:)
Good job Ruth!

Ruth Andre said...

Linda, Thank-you for the lovely comment. You are a wonderful painter and your comment is much appreciated. I do love this valley, the valley for my painting inspiration. It gives me so much in its own quietness. Take care, Ruth