Monday, May 21, 2012

Summer Flowers

It was a busy day with farm things and business things but I saved a few hours for painting. I painted this little 5x5 inch landscape and worked on another and had to scrape it off. I read that you are not a knitter if you cannot rip out stitches that have gone awry. So I am think the same must be true for painting. You are not a painter unless you are willing to scrape a painting and make a new start.

The painting today is to celebrate the wild flowers here in the valley. Each year we get an array of wild flowers that cover the hillsides and peek out from the rocky road sides. The flowers won't last long but are so glorious to see at this special time of year. Celebrating the valley's beauty made for "A Painting Day".

"Summer Flowers" 5x5 inches, oil on canvas by Ruth Andre Sold

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Contact Ruth


martinealison said...

Une nouvelle belle peinture... J'aime ces petites touches de bleu qui illuminent cette toile...
gros bisous à vous.

Bruce B. Hancock said... do these lovely little studies so effortlessly. But that's the trick isn't it? To make the difficult seem routine. Wonderful work once again.