Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Just For Fun

Photofunia highlighting the painting "Uthyr"

"Uthyr" - 6x6-inches oil canvas

I have been busy in the studio getting canvas' ready and drawings ready for future paintings.  I have been invited to show for the 3rd year at the Panhandle Plains Historical Museum for a western exhibit and the deadline is coming up early next month.  Before panic sets in I should have the three new paintings painted, framed and ready to ship but I need to get in the studio and stay in the studio.  I am also entering a small works show in Albuquerque, New Mexico and it is a first for me so I may try something a little different?  The paintings for theses shows call for smaller works but as soon as these paintings are completed I am taking on a larger canvas.  Just for fun I have added a photo to the Photofunia site image and am showing the small 6x6 -inch painting, "Uthyr" in a gallery setting.  The look is large and I love seeing "Uthyr on a much larger canvas.  You can tell I am eagerly awaiting to tackle some larger paintings.  Enjoying studio time is making for, "A Painting Day".

"Uthyr" 6x6-inches, oil/canvas by Ruth Andre


martinealison said...

J'aime l'amour que vous avez pour les chevaux. Il transpire d'une façon tellement beau à travers votre art...
Bises et ne galopez pas trop!

Ruth Andre said...

Le tableau est un étalon de Friesian et il était un tel beau gars. Il est vu paraît d'ordinaire tout à fait soigné mais je l'ai pris sur un jour non-spectacle regarde juste comme un grand garçon avec ses cheveux dans un tournoiement. Je fais de remerciement pour votre beau commentaire.

Elizabeth McCrindle said...

Love Uthyr and he would look very imposing in a larger scale :)
Good luck with the up and coming shows and have fun in the studio, looking forward to seeing the end results!

Diana Moses Botkin said...

What an absolutely beautiful little painting. I'm stunned by all your work, to tell you the truth.

I especially love the detailed realism on the horse portraits with the simple understated backgrounds.

Virginia Floyd said...

Your painting looks great in such a large format. I can see why you are excited about painting large! Beautiful painting!

Pam Holnback said...

I've been to the PPHM. Great museum. Went on a painting trip to Palo Duro Canyon in 10/09. Great horse!

Robin J Mitchell said...

I love this painting - great work
Robin J Mitchell

hmuxo said...

Great job on this painting Ruth!!

Caroline Simmill said...

You are right this would look incredible on a large scale. Beautiful painting and good luck with the studio work. It is just getting started that is often the hardest thing, but once in and the door is closed then it becomes a great joy to paint again. Happy painting Ruth.

Theresa Paden said...

So fun to see Uthyr on a large scale! Good luck with the small works shows!

Kathy Cousart said...

Ruth, Thanks for sharing and showing us Uthyr in a well deserved bigger format. What fun you are having with all the beautiful subjects and getting to go big and small. Love your work and the heart that you put into it.

David Larson Evans said...

Very nice works...at first I thought is it a 6 inch painting or a 6 foot painting then I read more carefully ,"cool"

Kim Blair said...

Uthyr looks wonderful in this larger format, (beside the 6x6 looking beautiful) with all the tints, tones and shades of blue/black really showing off this horse's true colors.

Victor Errington said...

Absolutely amazing painting of this beautiful Uthyr Ruth. Brilliant. All the best to you.
