Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Saying Good Bye - 2013

"Creekside Daffodils" 
16"x16"x1.5" oil & mixed medium on board
by Ruth Andre

Saying, good-bye is one of the hardest things for me to do. It takes considerable effort to leave a favorite person or place and move on and letting go. The year 2013 has been filled with many events, struggles and victories. I feel as if I have grown as a painter and as a person. For the past three months I have been traveling and getting things settled in our old home in Sikeston, Missouri. The time spent with friends, soaking up the mid-west lifestyle and walking the fertile farm ground has been such a delight. I laugh at myself sometimes as I remember the good times my husband and I spent on our farm. We had horses and dogs and cats. We farmed and we experimented with new crops. We made a life in a new land and made friends with those that thought people from California were a little different. I sometimes ask, why did we leave? I am still asking the same question as we get ready for the final move. I have learned how important my friends really are and how easy it is to laugh and cry with those you love. It is winter here in Sikeston and we have had a tornado, snow and heavy rains during our visit. I know spring is not far off and the daffodils will find their way to peak through from their dormant winter sleep both here in Sikeston and our new home in Sutter Creek, California. The painting above, "Creekside" is a nod to both my lost home and my new home. May your New Year be filled with all that you enjoy and may your dreams fill your heart. I am looking forward to getting back to my studio and enjoying many, "A Painting Day".

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Sky Walking - Ruth Andre

"Sky Walking"
Digital Painting by Ruth Andre

This post is more to check in and wish you all a wonderful holiday. I have been traveling since October 16th and have a few more weeks to go before heading back home to California. I have been in the Mid-West and have been enjoying visiting the farm community of Sikeston, MO. My husband and I lived here for several years and farmed. We loved living here and we loved the people and we totally loved the farming life. It has been good to be back and we have enjoyed seeing old friends. With the weather being so cold and with much to accomplish, my traditional painting has been put on hold. The painting today is a digital image created on my iPad using a sensu brush.  If you have not painted digitally you have missed out on a lot of fun. It won't be long and I will be back in the studio for, "A Painting Day".
Have a wonderful love filled holiday!