Monday, June 27, 2011

Art Show

My son, Ian, and family came for a visit and while taking a look in my art studio he said he wanted a closer look at the "Hopi" painting.  We decided to haul the painting over to the house and look at it unobstructed, away from easels, canvas and arranged chaos in the studio.  Voila!  Once the painting was being shown in a clutter free environment it truly took on its own presence.  What a change to see this painting in its new surroundings.  Touring the studio made for "A Painting Day".

I will be away for a couple of weeks so posting may be infrequent.  I will be visiting family in the San Diego, California area.  I am taking my paints and hope to have some painting time.

"Hopi" 36x36-inches oil on canvas © by Ruth Andre


martinealison said...

Hopi est une grande peinture et je suis tout à fait d'accord avec toi, il est bon de voir notre travail dans un autre environnement.
Je me réjouis aussi de m'apercevoir que tes enfants s'intéresse à ton art. Cela doit faire du bien...
Je te fais de gros bisous.

Manisha Vedpathak said...

I experience the same. Paintings do look much more beautiful and lively when taken in a new surrounding.Hopi is beautiful. Have a nice holiday!

Roger Brown Art said...

A great painting of Hopi ,very impressive!

Caroline Simmill said...

Have a lovely holiday Ruth. Your painting is very beautiful, I agree that it can be difficult to judge a painting at times in a studio where there is so much to distract the eye. Also when a picture is framed it changes again!

Debora L Stewart said...

I love Hopi. What a beautiful painting. You certainly have a connection to horses.

Carol Blackburn said...

Enjoy your time away, Ruth. Hopi is magnificent in any light.

Virginia Floyd said...

I love the photo, Ruth! It really shows the size and power of your painting! Absolutely beautiful!

Kathy Cousart said...

You are one talented lady:) Beautiful painting and I just can feel your love for the horses everytime. That is a gift!

Theresa Paden said...

Seeing you next to the painting really shows the scale of this beautiful piece. I can just imagine how magnificent it looks gracing a wall in a home!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous painting today, Ruth! I chose it as one of my favorites today on Rosa's Picks. Congrats!

Art Collector's Corner said...

so nice!!!

Raymond Logan said...

That is a beautiful painting.