Friday, October 14, 2016

Summer Lost - Ruth Andre

Summer Lost
12"x12" Acrylic on Arches Paper
by Ruth Andre

It was a busy day yesterday. First my husband and I drove about 4 hours getting materials to fix the horse shelter. Of course there was cooking and the normal chores that needed to be done. A lady neighbor helped my husband get the new shelter roof in place and I did my best to sneak in some painting. I worked on the painting above and decided to take a break. My mistake was going back to the studio and was seemingly on a mission to make a change to the painting. One thing moved on to more changes until the painting was lost. Darn is a nice way of saying SHOOT, DADGUM-IT and all the rest. Sometimes it is best to let something be than to hover over it and try and change it. Is that so true of so many things in life. I am sharing "Summer Lost" with you because I like the painting and it reveals the end of summer. The cloud like images might be the clouds that were forming outside announcing the coming rain. The painting is gone but the day is remembered. It has been, 
"A Painting Day".

1 comment:

Theresa Paden said...

I'm glad you took a photo of it! It's really nice.