Thursday, November 30, 2017

19th Annual Small Works Invitational - Ruth Andre

"Stormy Weather"
6"x10" Oil-Wax on Paper
by Ruth Andre

My husband, Tom, and I are in Coeur d"Alene, Idaho for the 19th Annual Small Works Show at The Art Spirit Gallery. If  you are unable to attend the show in person here is a LINK. There are 30 artists showing paintings, sculptures and clay works. Needless to say I am more than happy to be represented by the gallery and having my work shown in the holiday exhibit. 
We may have rain on our visit to this beautiful city, Coeur d'Alene, but so far no snow is predicted. I hope the weather stays as predicted. Driving in snow and ice has never been a favored activity. 
Come along and enjoy the show. It has been a traveling journey for many, "A Painting Day".
PS: Meanwhile our mare, Hopi is being boarded at a neighbor's barn. She is happy to have Whiskey, a gelding, in the next paddock. We have good neighbors, Donna and Ron.


Hopi-Photo by - Designs by Donalyn

1 comment:

Theresa Paden said...

I love this painting and am so excited about your work in the show! Hopi looks so sweet! Wonderful that your neighbors are taking such good care of her!