Monday, November 6, 2017

Searching - Ruth Andre

4"x14" Acrylic on Paper
Matted and Framed - 10"x20"
by Ruth Andre

As promised in yesterday's blog post here is the third painting of the supposedly triptych. This painting went astray so I let it take me on another journey. The story behind this painting must be my husband's search for a favorite LOST flashlight. We have searched high and low to find this portable light fixture. FINALLY it was found this morning hiding under a tarped tractor in the barn. I think we should have celebrated and maybe we did in a way. With the mountain lions and bears roaming around our area at night it is good to see where you are going and see who else is lurking in your path. A flashlight is a necessity so I have been told!!!!
It has been, "A Painting Day".

1 comment:

martinealison said...

Bonjour chère amie,

Une peinture qui a pris le temps de mûrir... j'aime ce filet de lumière qui apparaît et entraîne votre regard au loin, à la rêverie...

(je ne suis pas toujours très présente sur les blogs... mais dès que c'est possible, c'est un plaisir que d'admirer vos oeuvres et de vous lire)

Toute mon amitié,

Gros bisous 🌸