Monday, April 2, 2018

The River Road - Ruth Andre

"The River Road"
Oil-Wax on 9"x12" Paper
by Ruth Andre

The valley is alive with bright green hills and the creek is like a river with water rushing and meandering along the road that we take to town. It seems as if everything is alive and thankful for the sunshine giving warmth to the landscape. Spring is the season for renewal and as always it is most welcomed. It has been, 
"A Painting Day".


Chris Lally said...

Your gorgeous artwork is also welcomed, Ruth. The River Road is no exception.

Ruth Andre said...

Chris, Thank-you so much. You are so good to comment.

Dhiraj Deka (D.D) said...

Simply amazing!

Ruth Andre said...

Hi Dhiraj
Thank you for stopping by an leaving a comment. So happy you like the painting. Ruth